Life Update

It’s been a while since I’ve posted something here. I promise that I haven’t abandoned you…

I’m not sure why I feel compelled to do this post, but I think it’s a good idea letting you know why I’ve been so quiet lately.

The working life can quickly run away with you, especially when it’s a 9.5 work day, Monday to Friday. Coupled with gyming 5x a week, a new puppy, recently moving and a love life, there isn’t much time to always do what you want. There just isn’t enough hours in a day.

Especially when it comes to secondary activities like gaming, watching a series (finished 5 seasons of Breaking Bad recently), teaching yourself something new, watching anticipated movies or working on a passion project.

Lately in my spare time, I’ve been working on a couple of projects, including an update to my website as well as building my girlfriend’s personal website. I’ve also been taking a beginners course in C# (have an Angular course lined up next) as well as dabbling in some Unity, ClickTeam Fusion and Phaser.

I have nothing new or exciting to announce just yet, but as things take shape, I hope to be announcing or showing you something soon.

By year’s end I hope to have either a new mobile app/game, and at least one other completed project, but seeing as how quickly September arrived, I can’t make any promises.

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